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Splitting responsibilities in a relationship

Im (20) the dad of an amazing 1 1/2 year old boy. For the first year i worked 12 hour third shifts in a warehouse 5 or 6 nights a week. I stayed exhausted so it was frustrating to always come home to a messy house. And im not exaggerating when i say not a single thing would get picked up unless i did it on my day off. My spouse (21) and her whole family would say "watching the kid is a full time job, theres no time for cleaning (keep in mind that this was third shift and my son has always slept through the night so its not like she had to take care of him much).

I gave up my job due to really bad kidney stones, so i became the stay at home parent while she worked. Her family didnt like this and labeled me as lazy. Thats cool, i can take that. Now we both work. She works 45 hours a week so thats full time that im home with a toddler that is wide awake terrorrizing the house, and on top of that i work 40 hours a week third shift while she sleeps, and im still the only one who cooks and cleans.

I still get told im not doing enough, and what i do never seems to be appreciated by her or her family. Most days i want to quit trying and just leave but i never do bc ig im holding out hoping things get better. What do i do? When i tried telling her how i feel she wrote it off as me complaining about having a job.

Summary: I (M 20) cook, clean, watch the kid full time, and have my own full time job, while my spouse (F 21) only works one job, does no house work, doesnt have to watch the kid alone. But if i ask for help im called lazy. What do i do, does it get better?

EDIT:I was advised to add a few details that may be relevant. She cheated on me at one point, and wouldnt admit to having sex with this dude until her best friend told me since she felt i needed to know. I was told to "get over it already, its done and i cant go back and fix it" We split up for about a month, during that time she had 3 different dudes she was with. She finally told me she was over that and wanted to work things out. Ive caught her twice talking sexually to one of the guys from our break. She swears shes cut him off now. But yesterday i found her talking to a guy online about doing sexual things together, she swears theyre joking and im overreacting. She also made plans to drink with one of my male coworkers while im at work one night but she swears she wasnt actually planning to. Ik the whole thing sounds shitty but i just want to make things work

Submitted December 02, 2019 at 04:59AM by Negative_Creep672
Splitting responsibilities in a relationship Splitting responsibilities in a relationship Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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