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My [23F] boyfriend's [29M] younger brother [17M] doesn't like me and started yelling at me. Is this the beginning of the end?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over 2 years now. About a year and half ago, I moved in with my boyfriend into his mother's house. My boyfriend and I both have our issues. He has anger issues and I have anxiety/depression. We, however, also work out or issues together and always acknowledge when we're wrong and how we could have went about things better.

Anyways, this argument came out of nowhere (to me at least) and was over something very dumb. My boyfriend and his brother were playing a video game together, and this is where his anger comes into play. He gets VERY upset when he's losing and will start screaming, yelling, can be short with people , etc. So, as a joke, I put on "you need to calm down" . My boyfriend, I assume wasn't listening to the song and started screaming at the speaker (it's one of those Google homes). And I came into the room and yelled at him to stop yelling at the speaker and that he needs to calm down bc he's just playing a video game. (Granted, I know I should have approached this differently, but I took it as he was yelling at me bc I put the music on). He stops yelling, they finish their game. Now normally, once he's calm we'd talk it out and apologize.

They finish the game, to which the younger brother lost, and his brother turns to me and starts yelling at me. He starts screaming at me, telling me I'm toxic, and that my boyfriend has told him he holds in his feelings sometimes bc of me. And my boyfriend is saying NOTHING. I'm being yelled at and I look at his brother and I say "I'm not arguing with you because you are a child, but this is completely disrespectful". I look at my boyfriend and I said "you're letting him yell at me and it's not his place to say this to me". The brother is still yelling and saying all these mean things to me and then leaves after his mother comes in and hears me (bc at this point I'm crying).

I had no idea he felt this way about me, before this point we'd hang out. I'd drive him places, help him pick out outfits and help him with relationships. I came from a very abusive household and this really hurt me bc I know it's gonna get worse and I'm going to be super uncomfortable here. And it's going to feel how it did when I was a child, and I'm gonna be unwelcome and made out to be the bad guy. And I'm just wondering if I should just leave and return home. If there's any point in staying if I know how this is going to turn out. Our relationship is not going to be the same (the brother and I) and I know it will impact my relationship with my boyfriend. I don't want to make my boyfriend choose between us, because that's his brother and it's not right.

TL;DR: Boyfriend's little brother yelled at me and told me he doesn't like me and I'm toxic. Should I cut my losses now. Or is there a better approach.

Submitted December 01, 2019 at 10:54AM by goatcheese87
My [23F] boyfriend's [29M] younger brother [17M] doesn't like me and started yelling at me. Is this the beginning of the end? My [23F] boyfriend's [29M] younger brother [17M] doesn't like me and started yelling at me. Is this the beginning of the end? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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