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I (30/F) am getting so bored with my BF (38/M) of 8 years.

We camp about 4-6x a year and that was always exciting but after doing it year after year, even that is getting old..outside of camping we don't do anything except for eat, work, run errands/domestic duties and watch TV.

I suggest going for walks, playing games, going out to eat, going to the movies/concerts/local events etc but he just isn't interested - there is always an excuse. I do all of that stuff with family and friends instead. I suggested a once a week date night and got no response at all...when I pushed the issue he started complaining about money. (We both make decent money...and if we have money for takeout food 3+ X a week we have money for a date night).

There have been times we literally sit staring at a TV screen for 10+ hours for days on end....I don't mind doing that every once in a while (having a movie/TV day with snacks)...but it feels like it is all we do. I get lost in my books or the internet or crafts out of sheer boredom.

If I try to comment or discuss what we are watching or spark conversation he just gets annoyed...actually he doesn't want to have conversation at all it seems...he doesn't exchange ideas or opinions the way most people would to keep a conversation going and he gets annoyed at my desire for reciprocal mental stimulation...our "conversations" feel like me simply talking to myself because he has nothing to contribute...our social interactions have left me wondering if he is boring or just stupid.

So ...he doesn't want to play games..he doesn't want to go out and do anything social..he doesn't want to talk...but then on the other hand sometimes he gets irritable because he has "nothing to do". have to MAKE something to do.

Sometimes we will have drinks and even when we are catching a buzz having drinks he doesnt want to listen to music or dance or talk etc...he still just wants to sit and watch TV....HOW BORING!

One time I tried to get him to take some funny snap chat pictures with me (because when I use snapchat with family and friends it always gives us a laugh) and he absolutely REFUSED (he has a weird thing against all social media). I try to laugh and joke around and have fun but he just seems to take everything so seriously. The other day my cousin and I were laughing so hard we were crying and I thought to myself "this is the first time I have laughed like this in YEARS" which made me sad. We do not have a lot of laughter in our life together....I am just starting to feel like he is incapable of having fun. There is just no room for light hearted "silliness" in his life.

Even our sex life is getting dull...we rarely ever have sex and when we do it is the same repetitive thing over and over.

I am just so BORED.

TLDR - Boyfriend of 8 years doesn't want to do anything and takes everything so seriously I am feeling frustrated and bored.

Submitted December 05, 2019 at 02:50PM by LaughingBird90
I (30/F) am getting so bored with my BF (38/M) of 8 years. I (30/F) am getting so bored with my BF (38/M) of 8 years. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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