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Do i (30f) even have a right to be mad at my husband? (28m) for not giving me a gift for christmas?

I've been with my husband for 10 years. And though i feel like this is going to paint him in a bad light, he's a wonderful person. He's a good father and he works hard to provide for us. We get along for the most part. I just can not understand what his deal with christmas is and why being nice to me that day is so hard...Before our two kids were born, we'd give each other presents. But due to money being tight once they were born we'd focus soley on their gifts for christmas. We have been doing this ever since. And even after my husband got a better job, we still did this and i didnt complain because we were both not getting gifts. But in his job which he's been in for three years now, they do a secret santa gift exchange. For three years he now comes home with expensive sweaters and drinks etc which he shows off. I am genuinely happy for him but then this means come christmas morning i am the only one in the family sitting on the sofa without any gifts watching them with theirs.

I told my husband the following year that i thought it would be a good idea if me and him both got gifts too. Me and him got into a heated fight over it and he went out and got me icecream so "i cant say he doesnt get me anything" I called him out on that spiteful gift and then on christmas he got me buttons for my backpack. I thanked him. Then last year it went back to me getting no gifts though he did however give me the gift they gave him. It was a bath wash and loofa set he didnt want because it was girly. I thanked him. His mother this year is doing well financially and got him an xbox one. She has been asking him what to buy for the kids and me this year.

My husband this morning sends me a text and it read that his mom asked him if she could get me a new laptop. My husband shuts her down and tells her he got me a new laptop this year. He hasn't. I'm using a laptop he found in a recycled electronics bin. It's missing a plastic piece on the side from being dropped. I asked him why he lied and he gives me a weird reply on how he was confused with all "our computers". He then later screen shots what he wants to tell her so that i can get a laptop and finishes it by texting me sarcastically "is this better your majesty?!?!" I called him and finally snapped. I'm not going to lie, i cursed him out and told him how he'd probably be happy if i dont get jack again. How he's just the worst husband sometimes etc. He then apologized and now im sitting here wondering if i went too far. I feel like a child thats just asking for too much.

TL;DR: I yelled at my husband for telling his mom i didnt need a gift i actually DID need, and for failing to care about me enough on christmas to not leave me out when everyone else gets gifts and now wonder if i went too far. I need advice

Submitted December 04, 2019 at 03:40PM by throwawayawayawaii5
Do i (30f) even have a right to be mad at my husband? (28m) for not giving me a gift for christmas? Do i (30f) even have a right to be mad at my husband? (28m) for not giving me a gift for christmas? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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