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Is my (29F) coworker (41F) gaslighting me?

I’ll be making this vague. I took my coworker under my wing when she started about a year ago and we used to be lunch buddies because I like to eat out and she seemed to latch onto me and always tag along. She’s very loud and has to be the center of attention.

She has said things that have made me feel distaste for her company: for example telling me I’m too emotionally invested in my family or telling me I have too much anxiety about certain things (I don’t). She brags about her salary. She gives unsolicited and unwelcomed advice. She likes to loudly joke about me in front of other coworkers as a way of teasing me. I’ve distanced myself from her and turned down lunch invitations only to have her whining to me and guilting me.

The final straw is when I was up for a promotion and she told me in a dark creepy voice that I wouldn’t get it and it should be someone else. Then days later told me she was rooting for me as if I wouldn’t remember her previous comment(psycho?). I decided I’m done with any “buddy” relationship. I got the promotion and I am now her superior. When she came to congratulate me her face was red and her eyes watering and she acted super fake excited and made loud distasteful comments such as asking me if I’m making a lot more money now and trying to embarrass me with other comments. She has texted me saying I’m acting distant and did she do something to offend me. I did not say anything.

She’s said a lot of other loud distasteful things and it kind of feels like bullying or she’s trying to dominate me.

She’s not that great at her job. She still asks me to lunch every day. She is kissing my ass big time offering to help with my work and being super nice. She waits around for me every day to walk out of work together even if I am busy and staying late. It almost feels like I’m being stalked because I know she’s just waiting around for me to leave.

I’m just not sure what to make of this situation. Nobody else sees what I see and thinks she’s super nice and fun. Any insight would be appreciated.

Tldr: my coworker has inappropriately latched onto me and is rude to me but nobody else sees it.

Submitted July 04, 2019 at 07:55PM by throwawaycarousel
Is my (29F) coworker (41F) gaslighting me? Is my (29F) coworker (41F) gaslighting me? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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