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My wife(53) is obcessed with cats.

My wife(53F) and I (49M) have been married for 18 months and have an amazing marriage. She's amazing. We have a great marriage despite the differences that come with middle agers getting married. We rarely argue except when it comes to cats. Knowing she's a cat person wasn't an issue even if I'm not a cat person at all. And in her difficult life cats have been the only consistent contributor to her happiness. But her obsession with our cats and ALL cats is literally starting to drive me into isolation. I understand our two cats came with the marriage but she treats them like humans. She believes she and her female have a telekinetic link and can read eachother's thoughts. She believes the female cat is intelligent from reading to her and having her watch Sesame Street. She believes the cat knows how to count to ten. I explain to her that there is not a single study the empirically proves cats can do all of these things. Her reply is there's no study that says they can't. Top it off with nobody can go near the female Witcher hissing or scratching them. My wife can do whatever, and she will sit by me so.etimes, but I can't pet her for more than a moment.

The boy cat is a nuisance. He cries at 3 am for food, bites and attacks the female and is just a terrible animal. Tonight's discussion with her prompted me to post. She made the boy cat watch Sesame Street to try and allow the puppets to teach him patience. I explained it's not possible but she says he can learn complex language and he will be educated.

As if this isn't bad enough, she started feeding an outdoor cat last winter after I asked her not to do so as 2 are more than I can deal with and would make me unhappy. She did it anyway. Now another neighborhood cat she named is hanging around and 2 more strays come to our backyard every day.

I am at a loss as I know my wife is a great woman and loves me, but her obsession with cats is driving me insane. TLDR My wife is obcessed with cats it's driving me away from her.

Submitted November 10, 2022 at 06:22PM by agmj522
My wife(53) is obcessed with cats. My wife(53) is obcessed with cats. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 11, 2022 Rating: 5

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