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Husband left me out of the blue - update

Hi everyone, I (28F) posted recently (here) about my husband (33M) ending our 9 year relationship (1 year married) completely out of the blue.

I just wanted to shout out a recommendation I was given on that post to look at the Runaway Husbands website and read Vikki Stark's book of the same name. Between this and starting counselling, I am very slowly starting to come to terms with his behaviour and accept that I won't ever be able to fully understand him.

He has continued to display baffling behaviour, acts as though I am being unreasonable if I challenge anything he says/does or imply he's done something wrong, he's deleted me off all his social media like a teenage boy and is just all round being very cruel and callous.

He refuses to carry on paying the mortgage if not living in the house, and refuses to live together, and I cannot afford to live there on my own so I have ended up moving into my mum's house and will relocate our cat here too (he is in a cattery at the minute). This is actually better for me as I'm not sure I could live in my marital home alone without wanting to die looking at all our things and the life we built together constantly.

He wants to put the house on the market ASAP and won't entertain any further conversations about the relationship or how it's ended. When I see him/go round to collect clothes etc, he tries to chat to me like nothing has happened!

I'm telling myself he is now a different person, and I need to treat him as such. I cannot expect any emotional support or intelligence from him, he's decided it's over and that is the end of it in his eyes.

Anyway, I just wanted to raise the profile of this book and Vikki's work as it seems it's an incredibly common occurrence for men to just decide they're done one day.

TLDR: Runaway husband is being cruel, cold and acting as though now he's decided the relationship is over, there's nothing else to discuss.

Submitted November 10, 2022 at 02:47AM by Percypocket
Husband left me out of the blue - update Husband left me out of the blue - update Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 10, 2022 Rating: 5

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