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My partner (33m) does coke a few times a year and I HATE it

I've got history with this disgusting drug so l admit to being biased. I've had family and friends severely affected and its something that's a hard limit for me and in my life.

I've been with my partner for about 1.5 years (though we've known each other since high school) I knew when we got together that he used to be heavy into the stuff and since having kids (we both have kids w others) he'd settled down, but still did it.

When we got together he knew it was an issue for me and said something to the effect of "one or twice a year for special occasions etc"

To his credit it's been 3 times since we've been together, but every time it feels worse for me.

Last night I got a call at 530pm he wouldn't be here for dinner (drinks with the lads) I was put out as I made something nice but whatever.

830pm I message him asking when he'll be home. He doesn't really say anything specific just "later" so I straight up asked if he was going to be home in a few hours or if he was doing drugs and would be gone half the night. He said "lol don't worry babe, I'll be home before a ridiculous hour" I still don't like it but whatever.

I go to sleep around 11 and he isn't home.

1230 I get a message that asks if he's in trouble and it's then I know for certain he's done coke.

He came home shortly after and I cried until 3am.

I have such a problem with this drug and I know I blow it out of proportion, but am I being a psycho here?

The thought of occasion partying doesn't even bother me AS much as how it went about (the having to basically pry it out of him and waiting around wondering) but even just him doing it period bothers me to no end.

To make matters worse, I moved me and my daughter into his house 6 months ago and now I'm feeling trapped as what is essentially a stay at home mother (a role I took on for him/us, not something I wanted for myself ) I despise the idea of giving up an ideal I believe in for support/comfort. That's not me.

I may get my ex to take my daughter for the night so I can sort my head out, and leave if need be for even a night.

Will also add, other than this flaw he's generally an amazing partner. I've never had a connection like this with anyone and do consider him my ride or die. But cocaine? Really??? Aren't we too old for this coming home st the middle of the night on a Tuesday?

So, reddit, what's your take? Is me asking him to give up this small thing up unreasonable? Is it just the approach I should be upset at? How can I accept something that is so vile to me or should I not have to?

Sigh. Glad I got that out.

Tldr: partner does cocaine a few times a year despite how much he knows it bothers me

Submitted November 24, 2021 at 09:28AM by thetiny_blue
My partner (33m) does coke a few times a year and I HATE it My partner (33m) does coke a few times a year and I HATE it Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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