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UPDATE: how can I make my friend (23m) understand that I’m (23f) not interested?

Thank you so much to those who commented on the original post (linked below). It was locked before I could reply to everyone, but I read each and every comment and I appreciate every person who took the time to give me advice.

I know it hasn’t been long but you guys gave me a lot to think about and I needed advice from someone who knows everyone involved so I called my sister (lives in another country) and told her everything that’s been going on.

She said she hasn’t had the chance to tell me yet, but a common friend between her and the guy (my friend) texted her a few days ago and said that the -guy- has told him that me and him are dating. Hearing that he was still telling people this shit, people that I do not even freaking know, really pissed me off.

I texted all my friends to let them know that I was gonna cut him off, and most of them were supportive, which was a huge relief. I wasn’t comfortable doing this in person so I texted him saying (in summary) that I’m done being his friend and that nothing will ever happen between us.

He again told me that I’m ‘up myself for thinking I’m so irresistible’, I’m not a good friend and that he’s fine being friends. He texted saying he’s gonna drive over to talk so I sent one last message (before blocking him) saying I don’t want to be his friend whether he’s fine with it or not, and that if he comes over I’d tell security at my building to throw him out - this felt so harsh but I knew if he came over he would strong arm me into keeping the friendship, and Im just so drained that I honestly really, really can’t go through this with him anymore.

He wouldn’t stop messaging one of my closest friends asking her to talk me out of it; so she blocked him off everything and he ended up emailing her - lol, she still did not respond. Another one of my friends who is close with him decided, maybe saying that I’ve started dating someone who doesn’t want me keeping in touch with him would force him to accept the situation.

When she went over and told him that I was seeing someone, he ended up actually physically throwing up and having a panic attack... I genuinely feel bad about this and did not expect that, I wish I never told her to go through with that lie. It was stupid and his reaction made me feel like a seriously shitty person.

So after that I told my friends I don’t want any more updates on how he’s doing and to avoid talking to him about me. A few have tried to convince me to meet him to try and sort it out, but I don’t think I’m up for that right now and honestly don’t know if I will be soon.

I do thinkk hopefully I made the right decision, but I am so nervous about how it’s gonna go and what I’m gonna say when we meet. Next week is our mutual friend’s birthday party (that I cannot miss) and I know I’ll see him there. I just really hope we can keep it civil and not mess it up for our friends.

Thank you again to everyone who commented, I was worried that I was overreacting and scared to tell my friends and sister about how I felt considering everyone’s known him for so long. But your comments gave me the guts to stand up for myself and cut him off.

TL;DR : decided to cut off friend who won’t take no for an answer

Submitted June 24, 2021 at 07:51AM by idontknowstopasking9
UPDATE: how can I make my friend (23m) understand that I’m (23f) not interested? UPDATE: how can I make my friend (23m) understand that I’m (23f) not interested? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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