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My (24F) boyfriend (26M) says he likes me better with some extra weight, but all of his exes have been stick thin.

When we got together, I was pretty thin. Not underweight, honestly not even skinny, but definitely on the more slender side. He used to tell me he would've liked it if I got a bit thicker from the start. This was always said in a lighthearted way and was never obsessive or insistent.

Then we went on a months long lockdown and like many others, I put on weight, about 15lbs (~7kgs). I'm not technically overweight, but I have a tummy, my thighs touch, and I'm overall "softer". I don't mind it all that much, but the thighs touching is a pain during the summer, and many of my clothes don't fit me anymore and it's annoying, so I decided to try to get back in "shape".

All this time we've been together and I was heavier, he told me he loved it. He really seemed genuine. And now that I want to lose weight, he's bummed. He says if that's what I want I should do it, but that he likes my body as it is a lot.

What weirds me out and makes me feel insecure about this whole ordeal is that... Every girl he has been with before me was reeeeeally thin and fit. I'm talking about visible abs lines, small and firm butts, legs as large as my arms. Some of them could've walked Victoria's secret. I've known him for years before we started dating and he's always shown appreciation towards women with this body shape. This makes me believe he's lying to me for some obscure reason, but I can't figure out for the life of me why he would do that. Or, that he's exhibiting controlling behavior, like trying to "sabotage" me somehow. I know this sounds crazy, but it's just so weird to me. He's the sort of guy who usually cares - or apparently used to care - a lot about looks, both his own and the girls he dates. What's the deal?

TL;DR: see title.

Submitted June 24, 2021 at 06:39AM by BackVisual6270
My (24F) boyfriend (26M) says he likes me better with some extra weight, but all of his exes have been stick thin. My (24F) boyfriend (26M) says he likes me better with some extra weight, but all of his exes have been stick thin. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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