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My [26F] adult sister [35F] still tattles on me to our parents

It's ridiculous! We are full grown adults, and I still have to watch what I say around her or she goes and tells our parents. She's always been like this, ever since I was a little kid. If I started listening to music with curse words in it, even in high school, she would tell me I needed to buy the censored versions. If I ever cursed she would scold me and tattle on me for it. Movies, books, anime, anything that wasn't expressly PG would get me tattled on, even late into my teens.

And now, as adults, she still does it! It has happened at least twice in the last few months that I know of. A few months back she was gracious enough to let me stay with her after I went through a breakup and was looking for my own apartment. I was incredibly grateful for this, and made sure to thank her many times. Living together, she noticed that I do not eat breakfast. And a few days later I got a call from our mom asking me why I don't eat breakfast and if I was okay and all that. I assured her I was fine, that was just my eating schedule.

Okay, whatever. She was just concerned for my health, and that is what siblings do. But a few weeks ago I ran into my sister unexpectedly and she noticed a few love marks on my neck (that I got, with consent, from a guy I am seeing). Well first she tells me "Well tell whoever it is you're seeing that he needs to grow the fuck up, because hickies are childish." And I thought that was rude, but my sister has always beenthude to my boyfriends so it wasn't a surprise. I didn't make a big deal of it, I just don't plan on introducting any future boyfriends to my family for a long, long time. Well this past weekend, when I went over to my parents for Thanksgiving and the first thing my mom asks me is "Hows your neck?". My sister told our parents. Seriously?

Obviously I still care about my sister, and having lost one sibling to cancer already I don't want to just cut another sibling out of my life. How can I get her to stop treating me like a child without causing too much drama. Holidays are dramatic enough lol. Thanks guys!

tl;dr my adult sister still tells my parents on me for things like I am not eating "correctly" or if I get a hickey.

Submitted December 01, 2019 at 02:18PM by MoonRise93
My [26F] adult sister [35F] still tattles on me to our parents My [26F] adult sister [35F] still tattles on me to our parents Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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