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I [21F] was on a date with a guy [M24] and accidentally gave him a few hickeys and he lost his shit

I never thought it would fall apart so abruptly. I was seeing a really attractive guy and we just went on our second date. We went to a local museum and two other places. The museum was kind of a bust because half of it was closed down for renovations so there wasn’t much to see. We were there for about 15 minutes and he already suggested going to his place for movie. I want to stay out longer, so I suggested other activities. After each place we went he kept asking me if I wanted to go back to his place and watch a movie. The entire date, all he seems to want to do is go home and watch movies which made me feel like he was more interested in sex than actually getting to know me. After dinner we finally go back to his place and watch a movie. We didn’t even last 10 minutes into the movie before we started making out.

We both got a little frisky and I started kissing his neck and he kissed mine back. He seemed to enjoy it so I kept going. It left a light red mark on his neck, but nothing really noticeable so I move to a different spot on his neck so it doesn’t become noticeable. I tried to distribute things evenly so not all the pressure would be on one spot and to prevent any more marks. Even though I tried to be careful, after everything is all said and done, there’s hickeys on his neck, (there ended up being 3).

This is where everything goes to shit. He starts freaking out and having a panic attack. I tried to comfort him and offer solutions like getting a concealer, wearing a turtleneck, wearing a tie and a collared shirt, but nothing was working. I explained I didn’t mean to make marks, but they appeared later. He became accusatory and said I HAD to have seen it at some point and didn’t tell him. I told him again that they didn’t appear right away and to not worry for now and see how they look in the morning.

He drove me home, didn’t talk much, but kept sighing. He never told me he didn’t like hickeys, so it doesn’t make sense for his reaction to be this extreme. I kept saying I was sorry, but it didn’t make much of a difference.

The next day: I ask him how his neck is, he says not great and sends me a picture, it’s faded but not gone. It wasn’t that bad, but he fucking didn’t go to work over it. I say I’m sorry again, and he says he doesn’t know where to go from here and doesn’t see this working out. ALL OVER 3 STUPID HICKEYS. He was the one that kept pushing to “watch” a movie the entire date, what did he fucking expect? I am so infuriated, he never communicated anything to me before or during the events. He was the one that wanted to go home and make out and have sexy time, he shouldn’t be this upset.

Previously, we talked about what we like in bed and he always told me he was happy as long as his partner was enjoying themself. But he also told me he was moderately kinky. Before this, we sent sexy snaps to each other where he would tell me he wanted to do dirty, kinky things to me. I still feel like shit about it, I never would’ve even kissed his neck if I knew he was gonna freak out so much. I wanted to see where it could have gone and now I can’t because of one stupid misunderstanding. I didn’t think losing a short-term relationship could suck so much. It’s been two days now and I’m still kinda bummed about it. Why would someone react that strongly over a few hickeys after I apologized and tried to help him find solutions? And if he really hates hickeys that much, why didn’t he say something from the very beginning?

TLDR; Unintentionally gave a guy hickeys. I kissed his neck and the marks didn’t appear until a while later. I apologized countless times and offered solutions and he basically said he didn’t believe it was an accident. He works as a computer programmer so he’s not working with the public and they were low enough that his shirt collar should mostly cover them.

Edit: changed some of the wording to make events more clear. Also would like to add that I DID have consent to kiss his neck, he gave me positive signals and was moaning in pleasure when was going at it.

Submitted December 06, 2019 at 10:51AM by fuckthepatriarchy_67
I [21F] was on a date with a guy [M24] and accidentally gave him a few hickeys and he lost his shit I [21F] was on a date with a guy [M24] and accidentally gave him a few hickeys and he lost his shit Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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