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Husband pushing me to lose weight by not eating

I’ve been married for a year now. I am 5’7 and weigh 230 pounds which I know is a lot. When we were dating I used to weigh 255 pounds. Within the year that we’ve been married I managed to lose 25 pounds while being pregnant and having a baby boy. I’m currently breastfeeding and admit that I feel hungry a lot more lately.

My husband never used to talk about my weight when we were dating but for the past 6 months (ever since I gave birth) won’t stop talking about my weight. He claims that it’s because he’s worried about me becoming diabetic or having some kind of heart condition and then will also say that he wants me to be skinny because be thinks it’s sexy.

When we get into arguments he says really hurtful things like he’s embarrassed to be with me because of my weight. All I think about is food. He’ll sometimes tell me to just look at myself and that he doesn’t want the car to shake every time I sit in it. I guess I would be more understanding if he felt that way if I was skinny before we got married and then I gained weight later on but I’ve lost weight since we’ve been married.

Food is my biggest enemy. I have such bad discipline and self control but have slowly been trying to lose weight. I was 235 in mid October and am 230 now. I try to tell him that I’ve lost 25 pounds since we’ve been together and he told me that losing 25 pounds in 1 year is pathetic and I should have lost more.

He wants me to go to the gym everyday and only have like 1 meal a day. I feel like he thinks because I’m fat I just don’t need to eat. I would be more open to starving myself but it’s hard to because I’m nursing my baby.

This morning I went to the gym for an hour and half on an empty stomach. I came home and had some kiwi and oatmeal and a turkey sandwich. All which equated to 730 calories (I use my fitness pal to calculate calories). I try to lose 2 pounds a week and can eat around 1300 calories per day.

It was nighttime and I was asking him what we should eat for dinner. He said that I should just skip dinner and not eat. Or maybe just snack on some cucumbers. I told him that I was hungry and didn’t think cucumbers would really fill me up and that I would have some soup since I only had 730 calories the whole day.

Long story short he got upset with me that I was “arguing over food” and told me that I should starve myself a little to lose weight. I’ve tried telling him that breastfeeding in itself is demanding on a persons body because it gives the baby all your body’s nutrients but he just thinks I’m over reacting and being dramatic. He tells me this is something that I need to do for our marriage. He tells me I’ll live and I won’t die if I don’t eat and that life isn’t always revolves around food.

I don’t know what to do. Should I just suck it up and limit myself to 1 meal a day? I don’t know how to get him to be more understanding. He’s able to only eat 1 meal a day and he loses weight really fast but not everyone is like that.

TL;DR My Husband has been really pushing me to lose weight. I used to weigh 255 when we were dating and after being married for a year and having a baby I was able to lose 25 pounds and now weigh 230. He thinks that losing 25 pounds in a year is pathetic and wants me eat 1 meal per day while I’m breastfeeding my baby. Is this messed up on his end or am I just being overly sensitive?

Submitted November 09, 2019 at 07:28PM by Princess245
Husband pushing me to lose weight by not eating Husband pushing me to lose weight by not eating Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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