My best friend and I (both 23M) have known each other for almost 10 years now, and since the day we met we have consistently talked almost every day of the week via Discord/Skype, and played games together. I love this guy to death, and honestly can't imagine my life without him in it.
So, here's the thing... Occasionally we'll have little hiatuses from each other for one reason or another (typically it's just because we're playing different games at the time, or a mix in sleep schedules), and over time I've realized that it's during these hiatuses that I make breakthroughs in my adult life. For example, last time this happened I stopped having interest in games altogether (something that typically takes up all my thoughts and time), caught up in all my classes, and started working out. Then we started hanging out again and I stopped working out and neglected my studies entirely, falling behind again.
Obviously this is in no way his fault. However, there is a clear pattern here that I cannot deny. When we talk I tend to get so involved in whatever we're doing (usually playing games) that I neglect other parts of my life. I don't want to lose him as a friend, but I also love this productive side of me I only see when I'm not hanging out with him for an extended amount of time.
What do I do?
TL;DR: I start to do well when I don't talk to my friend, but I like my friend and don't want to stop talking to him.
Submitted October 26, 2019 at 01:24PM by ZingZah
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