A little backstory about myself: I just got out of a pretty long term relationship with this girl that lasted 3 years about 4 months ago. The relationship went down hill fast towards the last few months of us being together and I decided to break things off. I battled it over in my head whether or not to stay with her or break up for a while but ultimately I believe I made the right choice and have been much happier. I've definitely moved on and don't see anything left of that relationship, however, I feel like going into this new relationship with this girl (23F) (I'll call her D) has been kind of stressing me out because I'm finding it hard for me to be open and be vulnerable.
So I just started dating D. We met in our local rock climbing gym. I just struck a conversation with her one day and started talking. Asked her out and we've gone on a bunch of dates already. I've really grown to like her; she's very down to earth and we share a lot of the same interests/hobbies and I enjoy the time we spend together hanging out. We have been seeing each-other about 1 month.
D and I are starting to get more physical and are definitely moving forward with our relationship but as of recently I've been getting very stressed out. Losing sleep a lot of sleep - like I'll wake up after falling asleep and not be able to fall back to bed for hours - overthinking, and just general anxiety about the situation. Like what if I mess something up and we aren't going to go well together and things of that nature. My overthinking is really making it hard for me to be in the moment with her and I have this really bad stress of that somethings going to go wrong.
I've been meditating and seeking therapy at my school but still feel kind of wound up. I guess what I'm asking is if anyone has any situations like this and how to kind of live in the moment and not worry?
TL;DR Got out of a long relationship and am in a new one. Losing sleep and having general anxiety about it but really like the girl.
Thank You
Submitted October 26, 2019 at 09:29AM by HippyHairWonder https://ift.tt/31UOdXX
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