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My boyfriend [19M] is furious that I [20F] canceled our weekly date night--thus breaking tradition--because I got mono.

Hi all! My boyfriend (of 3 months) is furious at me and I don't know what to do anymore.

I've been sick since Monday so I was crossing my fingers hoping to be better. But unfortunately on Wednesday I had to cancel our weekly date (which happens on every Thursdays), because I was getting worse. When I first told him, he asked for space; I knew he was disappointed. When we got talking again in the evening, I told him I was disappointed too, but that life happens and shit messes with plans. He bought prepaid tickets that couldn't be refunded so I paid him back but he refused to take the "pity money." I felt so bad, but I couldn't do anything to appease the situation. I tried to lighten up the mood and cheer him up by saying "through sickness and in health." All of a sudden he tells me I'm annoying him and to "leave him be for as long as possible" and just left me on read. At that point I was pretty frustrated, because I never asked to be sick in the first place, yet he was so angry at me like it was my fault I was sick.

Then comes Thursday and I don't hear a peep out of him. I tried to reconcile by telling him that, again, shit gets in the way but we can always pick up where we left off and that life is flexible; one day shouldn't determine the fate of the future. I suggested we see each other on Monday or Tuesday (his days off work) to make up for that lost date if I'm feeling better. I even suggested to make it up to him by planning a date outing--we switch our dates each week, and mine are usually the chill and leisure at your house kind of date. Even through all of this, he left me on read and was silent. He then disables his Find My Friends. I started to become really irritated.

On Friday, it was the exact same thing. When I told him that I was confused to why he's dragging this out he simply said "what did you not understand when I told you to leave me alone for as long as possible." He also said "we are no longer a team anymore" because I breached our biggest and most important tradition and that bad things will happen once that streak is broken. When I asked him why he's ignoring me he kept saying "wdym" and projecting it back to me.

He calls me at 2AM on Saturday and finally tells me his side of the argument. Basically, he was saying how he planned every part of the date (it's true, his dates are very well planned, sweet, and romantic) but was flaked on. He told me that I could've invited him over to my place on Thursday to see me briefly but I failed to "use my brain" to think of that--my parents don't know that I'm dating anyone because they're very strict so of course I don't want to risk it and he knows that, and plus I'm very contagious (it's mono for crying out loud)! Anyway, he said how just seeing me would of been enough, because we only ever see each other once a week. The tradition is so important to him because he was hoping to keep it up till the "next big step" of our relationship but I broke it. He kept saying I wasn't appreciative and that I haven't sacrificed enough. I tell him he's overreacting and that he's being very petty about the entire situation and that I was upset by how he's been acting. He hangs up and proceeds to block me to stop any of my text from going through.

He unblocks me today and said that I refuse to understand him and that I'm only focusing on my feelings. He says if I'm not able to accept his points then this (the silence) will continue. He tells me he'll text me again a week from today when we both are mature enough to communicate....

What do I do? I don't know what to think. At a certain point I began to question myself and blaming myself. All I wanted was for us to continue our regular conversations but he decided to escalate things. Is this a red flag? Am I wrong for not giving in? Are his points valid? Am I too stubborn because I keep going back to my "sick" argument? I'm trying to be as logical as possible but right now I can't seem to think straight anymore. BTW I'm STILL sick and he knows it.

TL;DR my boyfriend cuts all communication with me because I had to cancel plans because I was sick.

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 11:17PM by xanniev
My boyfriend [19M] is furious that I [20F] canceled our weekly date night--thus breaking tradition--because I got mono. My boyfriend [19M] is furious that I [20F] canceled our weekly date night--thus breaking tradition--because I got mono. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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