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My manager (35 M) and I (29 F) had a good work relationship until I set boundaries

I knew my manager from a previous job so we initially had a good rapport. He started at the company with the same position as me, then was promoted to manager shortly after. In the beginning, he made an effort to get to know me. We live in the same town so one time, he offered to drive me to and from my parking spot during snow days to "show appreciation for me as my manager". When I politely declined, he then offered to carpool me using his wife's SUV. I politely declined again. The following day he took his own car instead of his wife's SUV.

I've bumped into him when going to and from the bathroom and from my office. One time he commented that he wasn't "lingering outside my door or anything". He's called me to his office for useless conversations that could be sent through email. I've told him that I draw a line between work friends and personal friends. I've also encouraged him to get to know other colleagues, but he refused to do so until our fallout.

When he started texting me non-work related videos and calling me on my days off for conversations that could wait until my scheduled shift, I decided to block him. He eventually found out and refuses to communicate with me in a friendly manner. He's tried using his power to push me out of my department, but corporate took my side.

Working with him is very uncomfortable. We've made peace, but he says strange comments like, "We both want the same thing. I gotta get to work so I can get home to my wife, and you should get to work so you can get home to your husband." Huh?

I don't understand what his issue is. I'm trying to be his friend again so he doesn't make work uncomfortable, but I need advice on how to approach this?

Tldr: I felt my manager was crossing work boundaries so I blocked him from texting me. He found out, then tried to get me out of my department, but failed at doing so. We've made peace but there's uncomfortable tension still.

Submitted May 10, 2023 at 09:53PM by roseyez
My manager (35 M) and I (29 F) had a good work relationship until I set boundaries My manager (35 M) and I (29 F) had a good work relationship until I set boundaries Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 11, 2023 Rating: 5

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