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How to Smoothly Breakup with My Boyfriend and Get My Stuff

This is a throwaway as the boy in question uses Reddit.

My boyfriend (21M) and I (19F) have been together for two and a half years. I have grown very tired of his behaviors and have finally come to the realization that I just cannot do it anymore. I sacrificed everything I had for him, and to have received little to nothing for all these years has taken its toll on me. Honestly, I have wanted to escape since September of last year, but stayed after a big speech about how important I was and how he would do anything to make it better.

The gist is that he never put in as much effort as me, denied me intimacy due to his porn addiction, never did anything unless he directly benefited from it, never cared to learn about my likes in any respect, isolated me from my friends, ruined my self esteem, and a lot more. All of these things he promised me he would work on, but here we are with all of them still happening.

I have moved on. I haven't seen him in a month, I am doing good at university, I have rekindled my lost friendships, and I am ready to be rid of this relationship. I have recognized that I deserve to feel pretty, wanted, and not suffocated or isolated. I have rebuilt everything I have lost and have the support from friends and family to finally get it over with.

My plan is to breakup with him on Friday. I have a plan with one of my friends to hang out afterward in order to hold me accountable. I currently live about two hours from him, and I plan on doing it at his apartment. However, I have never broken up with anybody before. I have read every helpful article and I feel like I'm drawing blanks. Any advice here would be appreciated.

The second part of this is the fact that some of my belongings are still at his house. My mom thinks that before I breakup with him, I need to grab all of my items and put them in my car so I can just leave after I have said my peace. I don't know how much I agree with that being the best option, so any other perspectives/options would be greatly appreciated.

I have therapy tomorrow to help me through it, but I would also enjoy outside perspectives.

TL;DR: I am ready to breakup with my boyfriend of two and a half years, but I don't know how to do it smoothly and ensure I am able to collect all my belongings that are still at his place.

Submitted May 16, 2023 at 08:23PM by peachykeenonleavin
How to Smoothly Breakup with My Boyfriend and Get My Stuff How to Smoothly Breakup with My Boyfriend and Get My Stuff Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 17, 2023 Rating: 5

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