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Is sexual incompatibility a good enough reason to break up?

Hi guys, just wanted to ask for some advice as I [20m] have been contemplating ending my relationship with my girlfriend [20f] for the past 6 months or so as I feel we are not as compatible as before. We have been dating for 2 years, have moved in together and it has generally been okay. The main problem is our sex drives are very different, which doesn’t feel great for me as I want to have more sex, but she doesn’t reciprocate and if I push too hard she thinks I’m using her for sex. This has lead to us having a very bland and infrequent sex life. Her sex drive continues to bother me more and more over time. I have tried talking to her about it and she says we can have more sex but it just doesn’t end up happening. It has gotten to the point where I have almost lost the urge to have sex with her. I also think we argue a lot more than normal couples (Maybe 3-4 serious ones a month)? I feel like she always instigates an argument over trivial matters (she thinks a girl is into me, or I don't make enough time for her) and we end up wasting 3+ hours arguing or she leaves the house and refuses to come back until I pick her up. Sometimes I feel like we're an old married couple just picking at each other, which is not what I want in my life at this stage.

This reached boiling point when recently I went out clubbing with my friends, I was a bit drunk and while we were dancing I met this great girl who was really hot and we got along really well. We hooked up in the club and she wanted to leave with me and go a hotel. I said no, but I feel like it was more about the fear of getting caught rather than cheating on my girlfriend.

Another reason I do not want to break up right now is that she is currently living with me in a new city and has no social circle to rely on, so if I breakup with her, I am essentially leaving her homeless with nowhere to stay. I'm not sure what I should do, whether to confess, pretend like nothing is going on, or break up with her. After meeting the girl in the club, I realised that maybe I should find somebody who has a similar sex drive to me and more "chill" in a sense, as I think it might become an even bigger problem later down the line. But in the end, I still think she’s a great girl and I care about her a lot. We have quite a lot of similar interests and aims in life too. Is it possible to get over this and can I learn to love her again, or is it too late?

TL;DR!: unhappy in my relationship but unsure if breaking up is the best idea right now

Submitted May 13, 2023 at 05:13AM by Effective_Will5543
Is sexual incompatibility a good enough reason to break up? Is sexual incompatibility a good enough reason to break up? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 13, 2023 Rating: 5

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