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I (29M) don't think my parents (64M/67F) respect me as an adult

If for whatever reason this doesn't belong on this sub, let me know and I'll remove it immediately. Anyway, let's get the basics out of the way first. I am still living with my parents, have never had a job (honestly because screw corporations and their wage-thieving, union busting BS, but that's a subject for elsewhere) and never went to college (because of prohibitively expensive tuition). I'm also high-functioningly autistic, but I've never let that dictate my life to the best of my ability, though admittedly I might be doing that now.

I want so badly to change my situation because I have the sneaking suspicion that my parents don't respect me as an adult. Case in point, my 10 year HS reunion is coming up late next month. I feel that it would be a tremendous opportunity to travel somewhere without having my parents there and have that valuable (at least to me) experience. It's in an area I know extremely well and relatively close by, so I've got that going for me. My parents don't seem to think so however. I had a little argument about it with my mom a while back and she said that I don't have the motivation to get things done. And I replied "What do you want me to do about it?" Of course she didn't answer. I want to clarify that I don't think my parents are bad parents, I just disagree with them on some things. It seems I'm just trying to act like the adult I know deep down I am and my parents are doing everything they can to stand in my way. I don't get it. Wouldn't they want to see me doing something grown-up for a change? I'm a grown-ass man for crying out loud. At the very least they could say something to the effect of "That's great ThatBroadcasterGuy! We're so happy for you!", but instead all I'm met with is doubt, fear, and condescension. It makes me want to scream!

Again, I don't understand why my parents are reacting in this way to something that (in my understanding) is a very normal thing to do. All I'm doing is trying to be more visibly adult and all that I get in return is friction. I'm afraid that this will boil over and it won't be pretty. I don't want the relationship to get strained just because I want to do more adult things. How can I prevent that from happening and also prove to my parents that there's no reason for all that doubt, fear, and condescension?

tl;dr: I want to do more adults things and my parents keep pushing back. What can I do to stop this from boiling over and convince them that I want more space?

Submitted May 15, 2023 at 04:00PM by ThatBroadcasterGuy
I (29M) don't think my parents (64M/67F) respect me as an adult I (29M) don't think my parents (64M/67F) respect me as an adult Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 16, 2023 Rating: 5

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