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is it normal for my sister to beat me up at this age

Im F18 and my sister is 27F.we just had a massive fight an hour ago and i actually fought back but she got really violent, I'm talking hitting me on the head as much as she can, and i pushed her, she fell and i left the house. I was staying at the stairs of our building and this woman comes up to me and asks me if someone is hurting me at home. i had a open wound on my chin from the fight. I told her is nothing but she insisted and brought me socks slippers and a jacket. turns out she knows my family which is so embarrassing cuz now my family will be known for acting like cavemen in 2023 bc of ithis dumb rat thats my sister. The woman told me she can call my uncle and that's incredibly embarrassing so i told her that i'll just go back home and i did. me and my sister (still at home) just ignored each other.

She outweighs me and she is also older by 9 years so ofc she always has beaten me up when we fight and i usually don't fight back bc i don't want to hit her, i physically dont want to, i don't understand how she can hit her little sister like that tbh. i always end up with wounds and it's embarrassing when someone asks where i got them. this is the first time i fought back. We don't fight often and we actually get along most of the time, but she always gets angry and starts yelling or threatens to beat me if i don't do what she say. So on the rare occasions i don't do what she says these massive fights break out, even from the smallest thing. Fighting between siblings kind of normal and my parents just tell her to leave me alone, but im fucking 18 and she'll be 28 in a month. Is this fucking normal? i could get over her beating me when i was little but I thought this would just stop by now. SHE ALMOSY FUCKING 30. How do i make her understand how embarrassing it is to act like this at her age. it's like she never grew up. And the worst fucking thing is that when i got my appartement in a big city for my studies she moved in with me. Ofc it's my sister, i have no problem if she moves in with me, other people let strangers live with them. But she stills acts like this at my house. it's unbearable. i dont know what to do. i dont want to physically fight with her like that anymore but i dont want to do everything she says either. what the fuck am i supposed to do. She doesn't listen to my parents and is extremely manipulative, for the smallest thing she goes to threatening whether physically or saying she wont let me use her stuff anymore like clothes or other stuff like gym membership, or threatens to break my stuff. I try to be completely independent from her so she cant threat me with these stuff but its hard when we live in the same house. I understand that i piss her off sometimes but why does she always resorts to hurting me physically.

Finally, cherry on top is when she complains that im too cold when she's nice to me. like when she kisses me on the cheek im just standing there, or when she cuddles with me i don't reciprocate. I tried to explain to her that's it's bc it makes me uncomfortable bc at one moment she's screaming like crazy and then later is being nice. i cant help that my brains makes me feel like that. she says im exaggerating and that im too soft. i just tell her she reminds me of dad and im uncomfortable around her the same way we both are weirdly uncomfortable around our dad

i want to save my relationship with my sister, but i need her to stop this

TL;DR: my sister 27F beats me 18F up for the smallest thing but she is also nice most of the time. my parents can't help. I don't know what to do to stop this.

Submitted May 14, 2023 at 01:34PM by mjaux2
is it normal for my sister to beat me up at this age is it normal for my sister to beat me up at this age Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 15, 2023 Rating: 5

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