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I think about divorce on a weekly basis

I (35 F) think about leaving my husband (37 M) on a consistent basis we have been married for 1.5 years, together for 5. I truly think what stops me from filing the paperwork is his child (9 F). I have a son (11 M), but we have no kids together. He was married once before to his daughters Mom (he cheated on her) and this is my first marriage.

Husband constantly makes me feel like the way that I think is just BANANAS. Like I’m completely bat shit crazy. For example, him and his daughter were tossing small rocks at the dog and I said please stop throwing rocks at the dog it’s just not necessary and doesn’t sit right with me. He said we aren’t doing anything wrong and just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not ok. Like WHAT?! Who tosses rocks at dogs, I get they weren’t hucking rocks at him and by no means was the dog being hurt, but imo it’s bad practice and made me uncomfortable watching it.

Husband also NEVER makes it to the dinner table on time. I cook dinner every night and plate it so all Husband has to do is sit and eat. I’ve told him countless times how it makes me feel not appreciated when he can’t even manage to come to the table when it’s all done. I even go above and beyond and give him warnings every 5 mins starting at 20 mins out, so he has time to wrap up whatever he’s doing. He doesn’t think he should stop playing video games if he’s in the middle of something and just tells me I can eat without him. Like WHAT?! I just worked all day, came home and made you a meal and you can’t even be bothered to make it to the table on time. Again, he says just because that’s my preference doesn’t make it right.

Husband also feels like he does not need to tell me what he’s doing or where he’s going, specifically if he would normally be at work. If he gets out of work early and wants to go play disc golf, go skateboarding, or whatever, he NEVER tells me because he’s like I would normally be at work so what’s the big deal. Well, it’s not a big deal he went, it’s a big deal he didn’t tell me. I feel like once your in a partnership you should be communicating those types of things. Like what if something happened with one of our kids or me or him and I thought he was at work. A lot of the time I just feel like I’m the last to know something, when I should be the first and I find it embarrassing when I hear things from others, but once again he says just because I have preference doesn’t make it the only way to do a thing.

Are my expectations completely unreasonable?! I have communicated these things to him ad nauseam and he doesn’t care, but definitely doesn’t want to get divorced and says he loves me and I’m who he wants to be with. We have REALLY great times together, but I just feel so disrespected it’s hard to look past that. I want to stay in my marriage, but sometimes I feel my mental health would be better if I just pulled the cord. Please give some suggestions on how I can try to get through to him or if you think I just need to chill out!

TL; DR I feel like my husband doesn’t respect me.

Submitted May 07, 2023 at 04:50AM by emmie0914
I think about divorce on a weekly basis I think about divorce on a weekly basis Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 07, 2023 Rating: 5

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