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My (30f) ex (25m) of 3 years got married behind my back while still in a relationship with me.

I'm still at a loss and devastated. The relationship was bound to end but the betrayal is devastating.

We started off long distance, we were apart for quite some time due to the pandemic. In between that time their parents both passed and things came crumbling down in their country. A huge red flag that never went away was their excessive rush for marriage and to have children. He would talk about it as if was on just a checklist to raise social status of something. He'd speak about it as if it were a fairytale and speak about it for the sole benefit of him but never spoke of what he could contribute. I would shake this red flag off over the course of our relationship and told him let's just go at a normal pace.

Things were rocky and he would always place me as the girl he was met when we first met. It's almost like he didn't care about live person of me, just a fantasy he had in his head for the few months of our relationship. When I started showing that I'm a real person he seemed almost annoyed and would beg and plead that I return back to the girl he knew the very first night. I basically was his everything, gave him my all and then some and it was never good enough.

We tried breaking up several times but he'd always come back telling me he needs me, how alone he feels and since the death of his parents he's been a mess. I flew to see him recently and he was acting super harsh, and distant. Once I returned home I found out he got married a week after we broke up and he was with the girl for 8 months. She's twice his age with a child his age and young boy. So basically he was cheating on me with his soon to be wife for the entirety of their relationship. I contacted the woman and she was just as well clueless.

He kept making up excuses as to why he couldn't break things off with me, but I think he held on because I helped him out financially. He said he didn't want to break my heart. Well yeah? How do you think I feel now. He keep comparing his wife to me but she looks nothing like me nor his type. He told me about her a while ago but disguised her as a friend who was like a mother figure to him and why on earth would he have anything to do with a woman in her 40s with 2 kids so he said?! But that's his so called wife! He used pictures of hwr daughter and actually told me that that was his new girl of a couple of weeks. When I found out that that's his wife and had sex with me prior to their marriage just a week before I went insane. He talked about her like she was some toy saying she's the love of his life, he loved her the first day he saw her, she loves him. Very generic sh*t. He never really owned up to playing us both and still continued to be married to him eventhough the entire relationship is a red flag.

I am sorry, this probably sounds like a hot mess. This is more like a vent and an entire WTF!

tldr; ex boyfriend of 3 years got married to someone behind my back while still in a intimate relationship with me 8 months ago.

Submitted April 10, 2023 at 10:51PM by FilmParticular890
My (30f) ex (25m) of 3 years got married behind my back while still in a relationship with me. My (30f) ex (25m) of 3 years got married behind my back while still in a relationship with me. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 11, 2023 Rating: 5

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