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how to stop overthinking

10 months of dating.

started off with him telling me on the first date that he’s never been in a relationship before because he “self sabatoges and gets in his head”. I knew this was a red flag and shortly after, told him I wasn’t interested.

A few weeks later, he came around and I decided to give it a chance.

We’ve had some ups and downs over the course of the last ten months but our interactions are pretty much in line with a serious relationship. - We spend time together very often - We communicate daily, consistent chats throughout the day while always making sure to say goodnight and goodmorning and keep each other updated on whereabouts - We mutually agreed we are sexually and emotionally exclusive - I’ve met his friends (on multiple occasions) - We’ve traveled together - We’ve gotten deep by trauma bonding - We’ve both compromised and made serious effort to meet each others needs - We’ve had multiple combcerations about those to keep the relationship thriving and healthy

all of this but we never had the official title.

Long story short,holiday season is here- and I told him i needed a title in order to continue to open up and feel safe in this, to which he immediately shut down, and said he didn’t have romantic feelings for me and didn’t want to commit.

This was after we spent a very intimate weekend together where we talked about going away to a cabin together.

I was so hurt, and shocked by his response I ended up wishing him the best and blocking up.

A week later- it still hurts like hell.

How could I trust again?

I know I made some mistakes by ignoring the red flags but damn….

TL;DR! Dated a guy very intimately for 11 months, fell in love… only for him to say he doesn’t have romantic feelings when I suggested a serious committed. Hurt af

How do I get over rejection and overthinking?

Submitted November 21, 2021 at 12:43PM by gintonic88
how to stop overthinking how to stop overthinking Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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