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My (32F) Husband's (35M) Bestfriend (35F) is getting involved in our personal matters.

Husband and I have been married for 4 years. He has a bestfriend of 10+ years.

Every marriage has it's ups and downs.

We fight occasionally over silly things. Sometimes, the fights get too serious where we don't talk to each other for a 2-3 days.

From the past 1 year or so, his bestfriend has been calling me up and arguing with me whenever husband and I have a fight.

Last week, she crossed the line by screaming at me because I screamed at him, and told me to stop nagging him to death, and suggested that I divorce him so that she can have him.

I was angered by what she said, so I told her to fuck off.

I didn't tell my husband about this conversation, and I don't know if I should.

I'm not considering divorcing him, because we have a decent relationship. I'm so confused by what she said about having him.

tl;dr :- Husband's bestfriend calls and argues with me whenever husband and I have a fight. Last week, she called me up and told me to stop nagging him and suggested that I divorce him so that she can have him.

Submitted June 05, 2021 at 04:22AM by inthesilentwoods
My (32F) Husband's (35M) Bestfriend (35F) is getting involved in our personal matters. My (32F) Husband's (35M) Bestfriend (35F) is getting involved in our personal matters. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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