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My teacher [30F] is behaving inappropriately towards me [15M].

My teacher is very friendly and gentle natured but she is starting to make comments about me being attractive and such.

They are fairly innocuous things and done quite subtly but she has made them quite frequently now. She has also made the odd touch here and there.

I am a bit worried and disturbed by this as I am going to help her set up class on Monday and I will be alone with her.

I should add she is a very popular teacher as well. So it would be her and the entire classes word against mine.

TL;DR My teacher is behaving slightly inappropriately towards me. I am worried about where this will lead to.

Submitted August 02, 2019 at 03:45PM by RepeatedDepression
My teacher [30F] is behaving inappropriately towards me [15M]. My teacher [30F] is behaving inappropriately towards me [15M]. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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