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I [28F] will be breaking the lease because my housemates [26M] [23F] are disgusting. They are making my life hell.

Note: I have a reddit account but I've made a throwaway on my phone for my redditvirgin friend who has typed out what you see below. I'll forward her the link and password to this for her to read and respond to when she gets home to her computer.

TL;DR: My supposedly adult housemates have neglected to clean to the point that our house is a biohazard. Also have guests almost every single night. I cannot stay until the lease expires so I told them I will be buying my own place and moving out. If we can't find anyone to replace me we'll have to break the lease which will have consequences for them. Which I see is their own fault but they are being nightmares about it.

So I guess I f*cked up by telling them before I have somewhere else to live, but I thought it was the decent thing to do. This might be long because I'm probably going to vent a little.

Myself and [26M] (I'll just call him M) have lived here for about 18 months. [23F] (just F from now on) has been here 9 months. Things were only just ok before she replaced the original housemate, they are much worse now.

I don't eat at home, unless it's something I can make in my room. I shower at the gym (thankfully I have a 24/7 gym within walking distance, it's not unusual for my neighbors to see me walking down our street with my hair wrapped in a towel.) I also don't have people over.

My housemates are disgusting. DISGUSTING. There is something that was cheese on the floor, it's now an oily patch of gunk because it's been there for three weeks. Chips that are dropped on the floor eventually turn to dust from being constantly stepped on instead of picked up. The stove is a fire hazard because there is grease and food scraps all over it and up the wall. The bathroom has so much dust on the floor that it gets muddy when people shower. I've had to throw out shampoo because the bottle was covered in black slimy mold, just like the tiles and grout. They haven't thrown the cardboard tube from the middle of the toilet roll out in.... who even knows. The corner of the room is ankle deep with them. Thank god there is a toilet downstairs. It's the only thing in the house that I clean now.

You might be wondering why I don't clean? I used to. But I was the only one who did and fck that. At any given time there is at least 5 people here (including us), sometimes much more. Seriously, I kept track on a calendar because apparently I'm really petty now, there were only six nights in June and four in July that they didn't have people over. *None** of them clean up after themselves. They'll do some basic tidying up, like throwing out bottles, stacking the dishwasher etc, but no one cleans. How we don't have rats is a mystery to me. I've tried everything. I've tried conversations. I've tried house meetings. I tried a roster. I even had a full on tantrum that ended with a sobbing meltdown. M said these exact words to me: "cleaning is for when we have an inspection." Which is once every six months. F tells me I have these expectations because I'm older, which isn't true at all. I wasn't a lazy slob when I was her age.

So I've decided that it's time for me to leave. I've wanted to do it for a while, but I was waiting until I was in a position to buy my own place. Which I am now. I've started looking, but I don't want to settle for the first thing that comes along just to get out of where I am now. So I thought I'd give my housemates a heads up that they need to start looking for a replacement for me. I'm going to help them look of course, especially since technically it is my responsibilty, but I'm also going to be honest about why I'm moving. They've asked their friends, posted on Facebook, advertised on Gumtree etc, no one is interested. I mean who would be? They can't afford the place on their own and I'm not waiting another 8 months until the lease expires. Once I'm out, if there's no replacement for me then the lease will be broken. Not a big deal for me, but it will be for them. How are they going to get another lease with a strike on their record?

So now things are worse than before. While they used to at least try to keep the noise down when they had people over, they're now up until all hours of the night blasting music, shouting, stomping around etc. They seem to be purposely making more of a mess, and I've had to put a lock on the door that I'll have to remove and patch up when I move out because things have been moved around in my room. They also refer to me as 'mum' and 'the nzi'. As in "better ask mum permission about having people over tonight" and "better pick up that glass before the nzi goes blitzkrieg." They don't speak to me. They speak about me when I'm in the room, as if I'm not even there. "Did you hear something? Kinda like an annoying whiny noise?"

I might resort to anonymous noise complaints when they're carrying on at night and I'm even contemplating inviting the landlords over to see the state that their investment property is in, but besides that how do I survive? Family is not an option unless I quit my job since they live too far away, and my friends mostly have young families so no room for me. Besides this is my home that I'm paying rent for, I shouldn't have to find somewhere else to stay until I buy my own place.

Submitted August 02, 2019 at 08:46PM by pcbh2019
I [28F] will be breaking the lease because my housemates [26M] [23F] are disgusting. They are making my life hell. I [28F] will be breaking the lease because my housemates [26M] [23F] are disgusting. They are making my life hell. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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