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My parents are telling me [20M] to break up with my girlfriend [19F] because she is not Caucasian and has piercings.

I have been struggling with my parents over my girlfriend for the past month, and texted my mom last night in a last ditch attempt. I asked her if my dad and her wanted to meet my girlfriend on Thanksgiving.

This was my mom’s response:

“I will say this and get straight to the point. Dad and I don’t agree to you dating this girl. She has piercings and is not Caucasian. She will never be welcome to our home. She is not a good example for your sister. You need to drop this idea that we will some day change our minds. It’s not happening. You need to find someone else. Also, why don’t you have any white friends? You only had black, Asian or Hispanic friends in school. Even the girls you dated from college were half German and something else. Are you prejudice against white people?”

Just to clarify, none of my three best friends are white. That’s why they asked if I was “prejudiced against white people.”

After I told her that “it is just a coincidence that my best friends are not white,” she sent a few more texts.

The first one said:

“Ok. But you need to find a classy girl. This girl isn’t it…..I mean it. You can not date her and bring her here. Find someone else.”

The last text said:

“There are plenty of girls out there. Also, you need to get yourself figured out before trying to have a relationship.”

This was my response:

“I love you guys and I want you to be happy, and I hope to include y’all in my life, but I will not be “finding someone else”. I really like this girl and she makes me happy. She is very polite and sweet. I will not be changing my mind based on your demands. I wanted to try one last time to convince you guys, but it didn’t work. It makes me sad, but I will not be controlled into breaking up with her. It certainly stresses me out that you guys feel this way, but it is what it is. If you guys force me to leave for dating her, I’ll just go somewhere else for college. If I was dating a more “classy girl”, you guys probably wouldn’t have a problem with me dating. You guys wouldn’t be saying I need to “figure myself out” first. You would be happy for me, and would be completely fine with the relationship. I will continue to date this girl. If you want me to move out as a result, I will.”

Anyway, it just really stresses me out that I have to deal with this from my parents. I wish they could support me in dating a girl that makes me happy, but it is what it is.

I was going to save money, and live with my parents while going to community college for two years. My parents are making me pay for college after my poor college grades during my freshman year, which were mostly due to my mental health issues. I think it’s fair that they’re making me pay since I wasted their money my first year of college. My parents call my mental health issues an excuse, even though I’ve been diagnosed with depression and adhd by multiple doctors.

But anyway, I’m considering going to college somewhere else after their continuous racism and prejudice toward my girlfriend. The problem is that it will be way more expensive.

This whole situation is just really stressful. I find a girl that makes me happy, and my parents can’t support it because of their prejudice. It’s ridiculous, and I don’t know what to do.

What do you all think I should do? Am I handling this situation the right way? Any advice would be appreciated.

TL;DR: My parents are basically demanding that I break up with my girlfriend because she is not Caucasian and has piercings. I told them that I am not going to let them control me, and that I will be continuing my relationship with my girlfriend regardless of their demands and opinions. What should I do in this situation?

Submitted November 24, 2021 at 08:36AM by Physical_Mud2286
My parents are telling me [20M] to break up with my girlfriend [19F] because she is not Caucasian and has piercings. My parents are telling me [20M] to break up with my girlfriend [19F] because she is not Caucasian and has piercings. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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