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My (38M) wife (37F) had a cleaning service throw out things that I wanted, said sorry but then got mad at me. How to handle?

We have been married 4 years. Although the concept of what was thrown away might seem petty and it is, it’s more of the fact that it didn’t matter if I wanted it or not that is bothering me, feels like a lack of respect.

So we have a closet under the stairs in our basement. We have a lot of storage Tupperware we keep old items in and some of my wifes holiday decorations. The closet is not very well organized but I’m the only one that has tried and had it organized in the past. I would say 70% of the closet holds things I ultimately want or need access to, 30% would be hers.

I buy and sell things all the time and I keep maybe 15 various sized cardboard boxes in that closet for shipping. She knows this and within the last month or two I even said hey if we get any smaller Amazon boxes put them down there because I’m out. She has mentioned throwing them all out in the past and I said no because I need them and she dropped it.

Last part of the puzzle, we also have a cleaning service which I’ve always been against as I feel it’s an excessive expenditure. Between the two of us our house stays reasonably clean. We are both professionals and if we needed to have people over at any random time it would take 10 minutes and the house would look great. Never messy like hoarders or anything. It still bothers her and she wants a spotless stove and microwave etc. I’ve not made a fuss about it because it pleases her but will bother me more in a second.

I went down to the closet this evening and found all of my shipping boxes are gone. When I asked her what happened she said she doesn’t know where they are. We are talking 15 cardboard boxes of various sizes including some large ones not broken down. Eventually she told me that she had the paid cleaning service break them down and put them out with the recycling.

When I told her it felt like a serious lack of respect she told me sorry but then started getting upset that the issue bothered me so bad. Including telling me not to talk to her the rest of the night and she wasn’t going to answer me anymore. I even explained I know it’s “just” boxes but it’s the fact I wanted them.

She was stomping around in the bathroom mad at me getting ready for bed. When I asked her why she said she’s trying to ignore me. As we speak she’s going to bed mad at me. I never yelled or got seriously upset, more let down about the whole thing. I even gave an example what if it threw away her purse bags/boxes or something similar and she said that’s different.

TLDR: Wife had paid cleaning service, which I already don’t agree with having, break down and recycle my shipping boxes she knows I need and use. Said sorry but ultimately got mad at me for it bothering me.

What advice would you give me for handling this situation? If I’m just wrong for being upset feel free to tell me that too.

Submitted November 23, 2021 at 09:38PM by BlimBaro2141
My (38M) wife (37F) had a cleaning service throw out things that I wanted, said sorry but then got mad at me. How to handle? My (38M) wife (37F) had a cleaning service throw out things that I wanted, said sorry but then got mad at me. How to handle? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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