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My (30s f ) friend (mid 30s f) has not contacted me for over a month since not coming to my baby shower. Am I being petty?

So short story just wanted to get advice and see if I'm being petty.

I've known this friend since we were 12yrs old.

Friend was supposed to be the one helping my sister with my baby shower. She was the one that offered and when I put her in touch with my sister she did the bare minimum. Okay fine but don't offer to help if you're not going to.

On the weekend of the baby shower, she messages me that she was in contact with someone who was covid positive and therefore could not attend. I was fine with that as it was an indoor event and I asked that people not attend if they have any kind of sickness or could be sick as I was pregnant and vulnerable.

Since that last text, she hasn't reached out at all. Not to ask how the baby shower went, didn't send any gift (not expected) or even ask if I've had the baby yet (I haven't).

She is supposed to be one of my closest friends and yet it's been radio silence.

The petty part: I have not contacted her at all either. I feel like she is the one that hasn't bothered to message me or even see how I'm doing then why should I be the one to reach out first.

What should I do? Should I call her out? 🤔 Should I just allow her and ghost her until she speaks to me first?

Tl;Dr: Long time friend appears to be ghosting me after not attending my baby shower. Should I be petty and wait until she contacts me or contact her first and call her out?

Edit: okay, there are too many people commenting the same thing..."what if she got covid and was really sick?" Just to clarify. She didn't. She said she's tested negative and she has since been on holiday as well which was documented on her Instagram. So calm down all the people who think I'm a bitch for not seeing if she got Covid because I didn't put in the original text that she was fine.

I get it. You all think I'm being petty. Thanks for your input. I'll reflect on myself.

Submitted November 23, 2021 at 06:36AM by Ribenadrinker
My (30s f ) friend (mid 30s f) has not contacted me for over a month since not coming to my baby shower. Am I being petty? My (30s f ) friend (mid 30s f) has not contacted me for over a month since not coming to my baby shower. Am I being petty? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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