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My wife [25f] and I [28m] moved onto some property I inherited with the intent to clean it up and sell it. My wife has fallen in love with it and gets emotional whenever I talk about selling it now. Not sure what I can do.

Long story. My aunt passed away a few months ago. She had no kids of her own and she wound up leaving her property to me.

The property is pretty nice. A little bit of land with a very cool little house and a couple barns up in Kansas.

When I found out I spoke to Harper (wife, married two years) about how we wanted to handle things. We had both been kind of interested in leaving the city we were in so I floated the idea that we head up to my aunts place and move in for six months to a year or so, so we could clean it up and get it looking good to sell it, then move on somewhere new.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the property and all, it’s just that it’s a small horse ranch in Kansas. I’ve never farmed or raised horses or lived in the country even, so I don’t know what I would do with owning a horse ranch.

Harper liked the idea and we moved up here about four months ago.

She fell in love with the place almost right away. Since day one she has gone and walked the property ever day and she goes and does yoga in the front yard and she’s always hanging out in the barn. She really likes it here.

Anyway, the more we clean the place up the more she is talking about what she “would” do with different rooms if we were keeping it. Like we’re cleaning up the barn and she was telling me how cool it would be if “someone” turned it into an auto garage. Or the attic upstairs, and how she would totally make it into an office/yoga studio. You know, if we were to keep it. Or how she wants to get some workout machines to put on the side patio. She always says it like she’s just daydreaming but I feel like she is trying to subtly ask me if we can keep the place. She’s also begun referring to it as “our” ranch.

I do get it. She grew up poor and never had much for herself, and now all of a sudden she has 10 acres and a nice house that is all hers, and maybe she’s going a little hard.

Anyway, we are getting close to a point where we can start putting it on the market. I said something to her this morning that I was going to make an appointment with a real estate company next week to start the ball rolling and.......she started crying on me.

I asked her if it was about the property and she confirmed.

I pointed out to her that we only moved here to fix up the house and the plan was never to stay. She agreed and said she knew, she just didn’t think she would like being here so much.

And now I feel like the bad guy in a lifetime movie. I can admit, the place is cool. But again, I’m a city slicker, I don’t know what I’m doing with a ranch. And I have never been very interested in home ownership anyway.

Harper has been mostly hanging out in the barn and has been in an on/off crying mood all day that makes me feel terrible, but....what am I going to do?

What to do now? Harper obviously loves this place and I’m happy to see her happy so I don’t want to snatch it back away but......I feel like owning this place is more trouble than it would be worth for us.

What can I do? I want Harper to be happy. I want to sell the property. I’m going to have a real hard time selling the property if Harper cries every time I move forward.

What is the right thing to do? Make the wife happy and see if there is a reasonable way to keep the place? Sell the property and hope she gets over it quick? Any advice helpful, please.

TL;DR: I inherited some property that is cool but not something I want. My wife fell in love with it and wants to keep it. I don’t think that is a good idea. Help?

Submitted August 03, 2019 at 03:30PM by ReasonableDirt2
My wife [25f] and I [28m] moved onto some property I inherited with the intent to clean it up and sell it. My wife has fallen in love with it and gets emotional whenever I talk about selling it now. Not sure what I can do. My wife [25f] and I [28m] moved onto some property I inherited with the intent to clean it up and sell it. My wife has fallen in love with it and gets emotional whenever I talk about selling it now. Not sure what I can do. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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