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My Boyfriend(25/M) Has Gotten Incredibly Wealthy, And Now I’m(23/F) Insecure About How Much Attention He Gets

Some context, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years and at the beginning, he didn’t have much, he came from a poor family but he was an incredibly hard worker. He was working on his own business. I loved him so it wasn’t a big deal, to be honest, the fact that he was ambitious and so hard working was a gigantic turn on even though it wasn’t making him much.

Over the last year, long story short, it has exploded and he’s made a ton of smart investments and now he’s pretty much went from having very little, to being a millionaire. It’s amazing and I’m so proud of him, but at the same time, I’d be lying if I wasn’t getting a little insecure. Now I work too, but at this point he has lapped me so many times over, but what really makes me insecure is how much attention he gets.

Many in our social circle have come to realize his success, and specifically he gets a ton of female attention. Like women are literally all over him and if I’m being perfectly honest, the majority of them are way better looking than me. I know looks aren’t everything, but it’s hard not to get insecure about this.

It’s not his fault at all, he just got really successful, he takes care of his body, of course he’s going to get a lot of female attention. He’s also constantly reassured me that I’m the one and he’ll constantly tell me “he did this for us so we can have a better life”. I even mentioned a long time ago that I wanted to go to Puerto Rico, this was like 18 months ago and on my birthday he surprised me and booked a trip for us to go for 4 days and nights and he payed for everything. Yes it was a lot of money, but moreso the fact he remembered something I said so long ago was amazing to me.

Basically what I’m saying is NONE OF THIS IS HIS FAULT. This is an internal insecurity that I have to deal with, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how. Any advice would be appreciated.

TL/DR boyfriend of 2 years went from having very little to being a millionaire, he gets a lot of female attention and it’s making me incredibly insecure. How do I cope with this?

Submitted August 02, 2019 at 11:33PM by Teeperr
My Boyfriend(25/M) Has Gotten Incredibly Wealthy, And Now I’m(23/F) Insecure About How Much Attention He Gets My Boyfriend(25/M) Has Gotten Incredibly Wealthy, And Now I’m(23/F) Insecure About How Much Attention He Gets Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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