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My [27F] fiancé [29M] (well ex now) has told me he no longer loves me after we have just bought a house and had a baby. He is also sexting someone behind my back. He says he’s ‘still deciding’ what to do as in break up or try and make things work but I don’t think we can go back.

He didn’t tell me any of this to my face, I found the deleted messages on his iPad as I had a gut feeling something wasn’t right due to his behaviour and body language but it was still a huge shock. He said it wasn’t my fault & that he should have told me earlier that he wasn’t happy to see if things could be fixed before he started speaking to this woman but I’m just so confused.

He has always had problems communicating how he feels (although not with this new woman ironically) - this has been an ongoing issue in our whole 8 year relationship which I have found frustrating and tried to regularly address to no avail.

After he couldn’t tell me exactly why he was so unhappy and why he fell out of love with me he managed to send me a text message today which felt like a character assassination telling me all the things I did that made him fall out of love with me so actually placing blame on me. What do I do to move forward because I feel like I’ve inadvertently put the ball in his court where I actually feel any decisions going forward should be mine? He is chopping and changing between oh well let’s try so I can fall in love with you and then oh well it’s over.

TL:DR - fiancé cheated and doesn’t love me anymore. How I do take control of what happens to us moving forward?

Submitted August 02, 2019 at 06:35PM by elliexo91
My [27F] fiancé [29M] (well ex now) has told me he no longer loves me after we have just bought a house and had a baby. He is also sexting someone behind my back. He says he’s ‘still deciding’ what to do as in break up or try and make things work but I don’t think we can go back. My [27F] fiancé [29M] (well ex now) has told me he no longer loves me after we have just bought a house and had a baby. He is also sexting someone behind my back. He says he’s ‘still deciding’ what to do as in break up or try and make things work but I don’t think we can go back. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 03, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Alice Foster said...


I share this testimony to the partners suffering in their relationships because there is a lasting solution now.

My husband left me and our 2 kids for 6 years to another wife. I tried to be strong only for my children, but I couldn't control the pain in my heart. I was hurt and confused. I needed help, so I did a research on the Internet and came across a page where I saw that Dr. Okosun the Magic Wizard, can help me reclaim my lover. I contacted him and he made a special prayers and magic for me. To my greatest surprised, my husband returned home after a few days. So we reunited and there was a lot of love, joy and peace in the family. You can also contact Dr. okosun via email: or whatsapp +2348159058141. For you own testimony.

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