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UPDATE: Apparently, I'm(26F) too perfect for someone like him(28M). Was this the best shutdown ever or is he really that insecure?


I wasn't going to bother linking the original post but I guess I have to. It only attracted the attention of 2 people, one of them probably has a lot of throaways judging by my karma. Still, it's a happy ending and a teachable moment I would love to share with the world.

In a nutshell- I met a guy I liked, found out there was an incident involving him, ran away cause I lost a close friend to a similar situation and that was too much for me to handle. A year or so later I looked him up to see if he even survived, we got back in touch and became friends. Over the years I caught feelings, he started yet another relationship. He went through a hard time and crashed at my place. We kept living together, he got better emotionally and started showering me with affection. Then I got hit by a drunk diver and got off with no complication and very easy recovery (compared to what could've been in that particular situation). While I was in the hospital he told me the incident left him disfigured. He fixed that, it's barely noticeable, you literally have to know about the remaining scar to see it but he can't stop seeing himself that way. Once I left the hospital, those tiny signs of affection got progressively bigger, to the point there wasn't a moment without physical contact. One night we were cuddled up on the couch and I went for the kiss, he shut me down by saying I'm too perfect to be wasted on someone like him.

The actual update- The next day I went to work, he pretended last night never happened, I was freaking out cause I wanted to have the talk but didn't want to push it. Had the talk anyway and now we're together. We opened up about a lot of things. He had no idea why I ran away when I found out about the incident. He thought I knew about his injuries and didn't want him like that. I haven't spoken about my friend with anyone but a therapist, I finally told him and he understood. He said he was jumping from relationship to relationship to numb his feeling for me cause he thought I would never be able to love him back. The night I tried to make the move, it was the kiss itself that freaked him out. Turns out that sexy cheeky slightly crooked smile is nerve damage and an ex told him he's the worst kisser in the world. He's not. He's also brilliant in bed. In that one night we became closer than in the past 7 years. And I told him acting like my housewife/babysitter won't fly no more and he toned it down but he still pampers me to an extent. Right now we're like teenagers, glued at the lips, making up for lost time. He was my best friend for so long and I know he's the one for me. This felt like a relationship for months before it even started, now I got the good stuff on top of the perfect partnership we already had. So people, talk to your loved ones ffs! We wasted years beating around the bush, learn from our mistakes.

TLDR- Communication is vital. Don't be like us, talk to the people you love, no matter how hard it is. Yes, he was that insecure. We're together now and we're making up for lost time. We will work on our issues together.

Submitted September 04, 2019 at 09:57PM by shutdownthrow
UPDATE: Apparently, I'm(26F) too perfect for someone like him(28M). Was this the best shutdown ever or is he really that insecure? UPDATE: Apparently, I'm(26F) too perfect for someone like him(28M). Was this the best shutdown ever or is he really that insecure? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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