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My (26M) girlfriend (22F) of 2.5 years keeps comparing me with her friends' boyfriends in materialistic way

Background: I'm with her over 2.5 years. I have MSc. in software engineering and working in one well known software company (the one that makes OS with UPDATES). She works as a waitress, tried to support her to continue for her education but she didn't want.

The general difference between us is that I don't care much about "objects" I have. If my $100 phone works for me, I don't look for a fancy one, the max. speed limit in the country is 90kmph, so my 8 years old Peugeot just works fine for me. How I spend my money is, I prefer experiences, send some to my parents (I was a lazy student so they spent a lot for my "private" education, now they are in debt), and support a couple of successful students in my home country.

She likes to "own" things. Latest iPhone, airpods, brand clothes etc. I really don't care how she spends her money if this is what makes her happy.

The problem is, lately she started implicitly comparing me some X girls' boyfriends. I will just let you know the latest one and you will understand.

Her: "Do you remember X girl, the one that you dropped me to her home last time?"

Me: "Yeah?"

Her: "So her boyfriend is a self-taught coder in a company, and he's always been driving nice cars. And he bought a land and built an REAALLY REALLY NICE HOUSE there."

Me: ... (just ignoring at this point)

Her: "Look I will show you the photos. The kitchen is AMAZING, and there is a sauna place on the second floor, and then there's a kids room........ (literally can't listen anymore)"

(5 minutes later)

Her: "Maybe you should come to see it as well. You can talk to the guy and maybe you can get a better job."

Me: "Better job?"

Her: "Where you earn nice"

At this point I got really pissed off. You can call me egoist but I respect both my degree and company. And her telling me to "ask a self-taught coder who works in a random company" for a "better job" was kind of an insult to me. It is just obvious the guy got a 20-30years of loan, which I would never do because I don't even know if I am going to live in this country for 5 more years.

Me: "Do you know how much I earn?"

Me: "My salary is A, I'll get my yearly bonus on September which is B"

Her: "So you can get a loan with your bonus then"

Me: "No, I will send it to my parents, so they can finish their debt"

Her: "Do you really want to do that?"

Me: "Yes?"

Her: "Hmm"

Later in that day, I dropped her to one of her friends. I had to listen about that house again on the road. Like "and do you know, he designed the house himself. he arranged the rooms according to sun's location. and then there's a dust technology on the walls, so there is zero dust in the home. when you enter home, there's also...."

Like I really don't have a self-confidence issue but it just gets annoying when I have to listen about a "SUPER GUY" for a couple of days from my own girlfriend. Probably she would go nuts if I were ever praising someone else's girlfriend that much. I am considering breaking up at this point because it seems her expectations from me is "a nice car and a big house" that she can show to her friends. I don't really like to tell her that "she makes me feel bad by talking about another guy", because that would sound insecure, so I am not sure what I am supposed to do at this point.


tl;dr: My girlfriend always talk about her friends' boyfriends like how nice car they have, how nice their houses are etc. It started bothering me as I don't want a girlfriend who has these kind of expectations. I don't know what I am supposed to do at this point.

Submitted September 03, 2019 at 04:10PM by tadude1234
My (26M) girlfriend (22F) of 2.5 years keeps comparing me with her friends' boyfriends in materialistic way My (26M) girlfriend (22F) of 2.5 years keeps comparing me with her friends' boyfriends in materialistic way Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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