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How do I [23F] politely make sure my roommate [19F] doesn't smoke in our very small (non-smoking) apartment?

My random roommate, who replaced my friend who graduated, moved into the apartment a month ago. I’m a grad student and she’s a sophomore in undergrad, so I understand we’re at different places in our lives. I live in a very student-y apartment complex, and we were randomly assigned to be roommates. Neither of us had any say in the matter. It has been pretty much okay until about two days ago. 

I woke up to a strong weed smell. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-pot or anything, but it’s a small apartment and the smell was making it hard for me to go back to sleep and hurting my throat. So, I texted her (I know, I should have talked to her, but it was 11 PM, I was already in bed, and I was trying to get back to sleep ASAP).

Here is that text word for word:

“hey I don’t care if you smoke but would you mind doing it outside or with the door open or something? I’m not the biggest fan of the smell and I have to see clients tomorrow so if I smell of it that’s not ideal”

We have a porch attached to our apartment, friends have smoked out there before and I haven’t smelled it, so I figured that was a good solution. She apologised very nicely and said she’d step out next time she wanted to smoke. 

Fast forward to last night. I wake up at 1 the smell of weed. I went out to the main room, sure enough the light to her room is on and she’s not out on the porch. It took me another two hours to get back to sleep due to the smell. 

Where do I go from here? I am in a graduate program where I have to see clients multiple days a week, and if anyone at the clinic smells weed on me, I could be in big trouble, aside from the fact that I just don’t like the smell and it keeps me up at night... Further complicating it, we have very different class and personal schedules, so I can go days without seeing her.

TL;DR: my roommate continues to smoke inside our apartment despite me asking her to take it outside.  I’m worried about the potential impacts on my grad school program as well as losing sleep over it

Submitted September 04, 2019 at 06:41AM by yarpnaarp
How do I [23F] politely make sure my roommate [19F] doesn't smoke in our very small (non-smoking) apartment? How do I [23F] politely make sure my roommate [19F] doesn't smoke in our very small (non-smoking) apartment? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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