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My (30'sF) girlfriend (30'sF) is over 600lbs and I want to leave her but dont know how or if i can

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I (30'sF) live with my girlfriend (30'sF) and our two best friends when I first met her she was big but nowhere near the size that she is now. We live in a very rural part of our city so there isnt much to do and we spend a lot of time at home.

My girlfriend is over 600lbs. I met her 2 years ago and we moved in together and we both gained a lot of weight. I have lost around 30 pounds the past couple months but I am still in the 300's but her food aggression is starting to get really scary and I cant say no to her when she asks me to get her food. She doesnt drive and I'm the one bringing the food to her and I feel like I'm slowly digging her grave. It is so hard to say no to her because I love her and she doesnt have many people around her and I'm scared if I leave her she will just eat more and get bigger and eventually die.

She is already so sick she cant properly wipe herself or bathe or brush her hair she cant put on shoes or dress herself. She makes a good amount of money doing a job online and I rely on her money. I dont have a job and I have become so dependent on her and she is dependent on me. If I leave her she has nobody to help her and I cant do it I love her.

Over the past year she has gotten worse with her food aggression she gets really pissed off when me or our other 2 friends refuse to bring her food she throws tantrums and cries and I feel horrible. She has been trying to lose weight for years but she is only gaining and I am scared I will follow her path

My family does not like her at all and they are worried about me but I dont know what to do. Her weight isnt the biggest issue here it is who she is becoming her personality is so different and I am always so depressed. She has gone to so many therapists but she always quits she went to a weightloss doctor but she stopped going after the first visit. She is doing weight watchers right now but she has failed it so many times before.

I am starting to lose hope and I dont want to give up on her but she is getting worse and worse. Our relationship doesnt feel intimate anymore i am doing things a caregiver would do this is not what i wanted my life to be like. if she found out i was even doing this she would be furious

tldr my girlfriend is 600lbs and gaining weight fast i have become her caregiver and she is a different person i want to leave her but i dont know how since she has nobody else to take care of her

Submitted August 03, 2019 at 07:57PM by ghostofmypast283
My (30'sF) girlfriend (30'sF) is over 600lbs and I want to leave her but dont know how or if i can My (30'sF) girlfriend (30'sF) is over 600lbs and I want to leave her but dont know how or if i can Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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