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My (Ex)-Boyfriend sent dick pics to my mum and sister

On mobile, formatting yada yada. I think this is going to be a long one, so hold on tight.

So my boyfriend [31] and I [23] have been together for approximately 5 years and been living together for about 4.5. I’ve caught him several times texting to other girls, complimenting them and shit talking me. We always managed to work things out, and by work things out, I mean being madly in love and stupid enough to be persuaded. This time however was different.

It’s saturday, I’m starting work 18:00, a couple hours later I get a message from my boss about taking on a double shift. Great, 14 hours at work. Throughout the evening my boyfriend and I text a bit. He responds less and less until it goes completely silent, he’s out getting drunk.

Fast forward to 08:15 in the morning. I got through my shift and slam down on the sofa. I feel uneasy, like something isn’t quite right. I shake it off and grab his iPad to scroll through some news (as the wifi on mine is kaput). I type in the password and first thing that pops up is messenger and some girl he tried to start a conversation with. Apparently he met her at the bar. No biggie.

I head to the bedroom, and first thing that is catching my eye is his phone in bed, right next to him. This is a bad sign. Last time i found him like that he had been talking to a female coworker about his dick. So i choose to do the immoral thing and check his phone. He’s a big fan of snapchat because nothing gets automatically saved. 3 girls, several videos sent back and forth and compliments about how sexy and beautiful he found them (one of them was my coworker). I put the phone down where i found it and think to myself «I can’t do this anymore. I’m so tired of not being able to trust the man I’m with. I will break up with him later».

The time is now probably around 09, my pulse is high, adrenaline is rushing through me and I’m unable to sleep. I decide to text my mum and tell her about my plans. We text back and forth discussing it and she supports me no matter what. Shortly after he wakes up and his fingers tap on the mobile screen faster than the speed of light. I turn around to look at him, without looking at me he says «Hey there Con». I ignore him. My mum text me again «Is he in bed? Are you there with him? Is he furiously texting on his phone?». I answer with «yeeeah, why?». She then says «he is texting me. I will save everything and show you later. He’s mostly talking about how lazy you are. Gotta go to work now. You try and get some sleep. My boyfriend gets up and I’m lying awake in bed until about 13:00, finally fall asleep only to wake up again 16:00.

I get up, get dressed and sit on the bathroom floor to man up. After a bit I enter the livingroom, he’s cheery, in a good mood and behaves as if everything is rosy red. I say nothing while I stare out the window.

BF: Why are you angry? You have no reason to be angry. Only happy. Tell me something funny!

Me: Well. I do have something to tell you, but it’s not going to be funny.

BF: Okay. Tell me then.

The words clogged up in my mouth and for the first time I understood what people ment when they say words got stuck in their mouth.

Me: I don’t think we should be together anymore..

I tell him about my coworker and know he’s been hitting on her among other girls. This is causing a discussion, and as anticipated he tries to pursuade me in to not leaving him, to keep trying, he promised to be a better boyfriend and other manipulative bullshit. This goes on for a while until my mum is messaging me.

Mum: I don’t want this to be the deciding factor for you. But you should have it anyway.

8 screenshots pop up, first one a dick pic with the text «Yeah my buddy said that last night, the anaconda😂😂😂», and the others a conversation between them from this morning where he is excusing himself and proceeds to talk shit about me. Oblivious about what he’s been talking to me about for the last minute I look up from my phone, crying and staring at him.

Me: I don’t trust you at all. However I will give you ONE more chance to come clean and be honest with me. Who was that dick pic meant for?

His face goes white and eyes wide. BF: which one?

Me: The one you sent to my mum.

BF: Honest to heart that was not meant for her. It was for my friends group. It’s not like they haven’t seen my dick before when peeing. So I send dick pics all the time to them as an inside joke.

Funny. Last time I caught him talking about his dick to a female coworker it was also an inside joke.

Me: You really think I’m that stupid? No one sends dick pics of their erect dick to their buddies as an inside joke. I KNOW it was meant for another girl.

He keeps excusing himself, tries to persuade me, he will never ever do anything like this again, he’s willing to go far to make it work for us, even deleting snapchat. WOAH, calm down there buddy. That’s a bit far don’t you think? The time is now 18:45. I get up and tell him «we’ll see what happens. I’m heading to work».

19:10 my mum messages me. Mum: We’re in your cousin’s birthday party now. Your sister asks why you’re not here. I told her about your plans. She says it was about time.

Some time goes by. Mum: She asked me if I received a picture this morning. I confirmed and showed her, she said yeah that’s the one. You’re my daughter and I love you so you deserve to know. He sent it to your sister aswell, and it’s not the first time.

My heart sunk and I burst out crying. What the fuck is wrong with this guy. Not only several girls BUT MY FAMILY.

I text him. Me: I wish you good luck. Just got it confirmed that you sent them to my sister aswell. And it’s not the first time.

Sitting there lying to my face about not sending to anyone else when I’m sitting there saying I don’t trut you, but am going to give you one more chance to be honest. That pic wasn’t for your friends, you sent them to my loved ones on purpose.

Him: Fucking hell

Me: Yeah you can say that again

Him: Yeah i’m saying that Okay. That’s it. I’m just ruining for myself whatever I do. There is no point in trying anymore. Or that means, you’re never gonna trust me again, and then there is no point.

Me: You should have thought about that before you sent pictures to MY FAMILY. God knows how many more pictures and people who are involved. Feeling fucking sick.

Him: Actually no one. And it was fucking stupid of me. I know it doesn’t mean anything, but sorry.

He is now my ex-boyfriend. I was at work for 12 hours that night as I had to take on another double shift, which gave me plenty of time to think and process what had just happened. We managed to live together until I could find my own apartment and get the fuck out of there.

TL;DR: My (Ex)-boyfriend took nudes and sent them to my mum and sister while I was lying in bed right next to him. Then lied about it being an accident as they were meant to his lads as an inside joke.

Submitted April 04, 2019 at 09:02AM by Contara8
My (Ex)-Boyfriend sent dick pics to my mum and sister My (Ex)-Boyfriend sent dick pics to my mum and sister Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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