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Am I in the wrong for saying my boyfriend needs to be more considerate?

This all started on Saturday, so only about 5 days ago. I'm 21F, my boyfriend is 25. Also relevant; my little siblings are 17 and 8, respectively. And I've been with my boyfriend for about 6-7 months.

I got a call from my older sister's roommate on Saturday, saying my sister had killed herself. I went immediately to be with my family. The day was filled mostly with me calling police, funeral homes, and cemeteries; as well as picking up a few groceries for my family. I decided it would be best to have my little siblings with me that night and let my parents process things. My boyfriend was understanding of that and even agreed to take my siblings to the mall the next day so my parents and I could pick up a few things from my sister's place.

On Sunday, my boyfriend took them for about 4 hours and I spent that time helping my parents pick up my sister's belongings and sort out some funeral stuff. That night, my boyfriend started pushing wanting to "settle down" and move in together. We've actually fought about this before because I don't want to live with anyone right now, I've never lived alone and I like having my own space. I told him it was inappropriate to be pushing these things on me right now, especially things I've already said no to. He got upset and we didn't really speak the rest of the night.

On Monday, I was still not really focused on anything, just barely getting by at work. My boyfriend sent me some joke article for April fools (I didn't even know it was April 1st I was so out of it). I asked why he sent me it because it didn't make any sense and it was a dumb article. He got pissed and said it was just a joke and that I was being condescending for asking why he would send it. He said I needed to consider his feelings. I told him I wasn't in a state where I could consider anything; I'm not sleeping or eating like at all, and that he needed to be more aware of my state. He refused to apologize and told me that he'd "talk to me when I ready to be calm and stop taking shots at him" so we haven't really spoken since because I just can't handle it. Am I really just being too emotional and overreacting? Should I have just apologized and let it go?

TLDR; Boyfriend told me I'm being unreasonable and rude after the death of my sister because I've been emotionally fucked up, unsure if I'm overreacting and being too emotional.

Submitted April 04, 2019 at 08:55AM by Throwaway58103741
Am I in the wrong for saying my boyfriend needs to be more considerate? Am I in the wrong for saying my boyfriend needs to be more considerate? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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