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Should I (18f) kick my boyfriend (20m) out of my D&D campaign

My boyfriend recently Introduced me to playing Dungeons and Dragons and I found it really fun. I talked about it with my friends (who live on my freshman female dorm floor) and they said they would be down to play if I would DM (Dungeon Master, basically orchestrate the game).

My boyfriend was super supportive, and as I was fairly new to the game he was super helpful in answering my questions and stuff.

He took me to a game store where I bought a starter set D&D pre written adventure that also came with a basic rule book.

Being the DM, I generally have the final say in how things are done. Eventually I got the hang of things and my boyfriend began to condescendingly suggest how to run the sessions as well as try to include complicated rules that aren’t applicable in the simple game that I bought (intended to bring characters from level 1 to level 5)

I asked him to stop and he agreed that he was overstepping and promised to work on it.

Then we get to session 0 where people make their characters. My friends had little to no experience with D&D prior so he was really helpful to have around.

Then I had to prepare my DM book for the actual campaign. I spent about 6 hours in total preparing 16 pages of campaign. Every time I tried to excitedly tell my boyfriend about my progress he would condescend and bring up things I could possibly be doing wrong.

Then we get to the actual campaign. Since it’s simple and We’re playing with absolute beginners I’m making what to do pretty obvious and he’s completely disregarding it and trying to do out of the box spells and actions because he knew I wouldn’t have that kind of stuff prepared. I.e. “there’s a letter on the ground in front of you, would you like to open it?” “I light a match and set it on fire”

My friends were even asking him to stop in the game, he was being that obnoxious.

Later I broke down in the car because I was so frustrated and he only showed remorse when I was crying. He maintained that he didn’t do anything wrong and wouldn’t reason with my intention to have an easy game to get my friends into playing long term.

He’s a great guy and I love him, but he has a problem with needing to be the center of attention and being an asshole in an attempt to be funny.

TL;DR -my boyfriend encouraged me to DM a game of dungeons and dragons with my beginner friends -was a condescending asshole about the process by which I was running the game that I was elected to run -ruined my first ever experience as a DM by purposefully unraveling my plot and causing unnecessary difficulty

Submitted January 28, 2019 at 12:45AM by --angela--
Should I (18f) kick my boyfriend (20m) out of my D&D campaign Should I (18f) kick my boyfriend (20m) out of my D&D campaign Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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