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My (m28) gf (24) revealed she cheated on her previous boyfriends. Don't know how to deal with it

TL;DR On night before new year my otherwise awesome girlfriend of 5 months revealed she had cheated on her past two boyfriends with 3-4 guys, and I'm not taking this well. For one thing I'm disgusted by such behavior on principle and it changes how I imagined her as a person, also it put a lot of insecurity and doubt about future and security of relationship. I think I can handle my emotions eventually, but don't know if it is worth it?

I'm a guy who was up to few years ago very emotionally closed and had little relationship experience. She isn't my first girlfriend, but previous slow and failed relationships can hardly be called such. We met by online dating and immediately hit it of. She is very beautiful, and her open and attaching personality, broke all my walls and very soon we were completely in love. Relationship escalated very quickly and till now we are seeing each other daily, spending nights at her or my place. We met each other families, discussed our future plans and compatibility, ecs. She said she loved attention she is receiving from me and that I take her seriously, and I was amazed to be thrown right into full relationship with, despite some emotional issues, absolutely amazing, compatible and more beautiful than I dared to dream off girl.

She is very open about her thoughts, past relationships and who she is communicating with. I knew she had two relationships before for ~4 and ~2 years. First guy was serial cheater so she dumped him, second one dumped her after they both graduated and he left country. Now she has very small social circle as most of friendships were centered around exbf and most bridges were burned.

Before new year, after few drinks she revealed she cheated on her boyfriends with 3-4 guys (I don't recall). As I was drunk I didn't react much initially, altrouh I remember getting nervous and questioning her for more details. She told she cheated with her friends from their social cycle, primary reason she gave that because of lack of attention from exbfs ("he would rather spend entire weeks playing lineage and drinking with his friends than pay any attention to me"). Another one was that "first guy was constantly cheating on me, second one I haven't caught, but probably also was, as he told I was his 14th girl he had". Those both sound immature and typical excuses for cheating, and I'm angry that she is making excuses at all.

Next day I spent in increasingly worse shock, battling in my head what to do. To see huuuge red flags and dump her because it changed how I see her as a person and risk of such behavior repeating in what I hoped long future together. On other hand I really really love her and she didn't do anything wrong to me, but tell me something of her past she could have easily kept hidden.

I eventually had to have some closure that day, so at night I told her that cheating is absolutely off limits to me, to really think if she can handle possible future episodes of lack of attention from me without "help" from friends. That it would be better to end it if she had any doubts and to really think if she can handle serious relationship. She said she can and that she wanted it to continue. Up to this I had huge doubts, but I admit hearing this was huge relief.

So here I am few days later. I'm trying to recover from emotional shock, but I'm still not very stable. I'm trying to control anger, disappointment toward her, it's getting easier, but it's still poison. I feel jumpy when she gets text or I have to leave her alone. I think I can sort out my emotional mess eventually,but I am not sure if I am doing right thing.

So here I am asking for your take on this situation. Am I doing right thing, just to patch it up and try to move on? Or maybe you think I am doing wrong? Maybe I am overreacting asshole, or maybe I'm stupid to hope for long term relationship with former cheater? I'm almost certain that she has been faithful to me up to now, due to cut past friend cycle, constant attention from me (that I enjoy to give), and her being very open with phone and computer communication with other people. But future will almost certainly have many hardship episodes and I am not sure if person like her can handle it. Do any of you have long term relationship experience with former cheaters? Should I try something else to ease my mind and relationship?

Submitted January 03, 2019 at 05:58AM by User25580
My (m28) gf (24) revealed she cheated on her previous boyfriends. Don't know how to deal with it My (m28) gf (24) revealed she cheated on her previous boyfriends. Don't know how to deal with it Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 03, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Amanda larry said...

My lover came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before, All thanks to Robinson.buckler he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that ( real and powerful spiritualist, if you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact him now……………………….

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